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I worked on improving and building boonjy with 2 friends, who had the idea a few years before and worked alone on a proof of concept on the B2C side.

Boonjy provides :

  • a free service for users that want to create a wishlist connected with their friends and family
  • an annual paid service for engaged companies to be highlighted in the application

Project incubated @La Ruche, TechforGood

Methodology – Design Thinking

We used Lean UX methodology in order to build and improve constantly the application.

For instance, to develop the B2B side, we worked on definining our targets and customer journey in order to be aware of all the touch points and pains our customers have.

Then, interviews and user testings allowed us to verify and iterate on our solutions. We collaborate as much as possible running workshops to co-create interfaces (design studios, design critiques, …)

Visual design, design system

I worked on creating a stronger brand identity for Boonjy, illustrating the wishlist concept and adding visual elements. 
I also created a design system with the lead developer in order to have a visual and technical consistency. We worked on improving the accessibility in the same time.

The old version used a lot of orange on backgrounds, I improved the contrast of fonts and CTA to be more readable (AA level). 

Boonjy, a wishlist connected with your family and friends

Users can create an account for themselves, their children and connect with their family and friends, in order to list their wishes and also consult the wishes of their loved ones. They can consult gift ideas if they lack of inspiration.

Boonjy, a catalog of eco-responsible gift ideas

Icône de validation par la communauté

At Boonjy, we put much effort into sectioning eco-responsible companies and gift ideas. We put them forward in our « Gift ideas » section but also in our different blog articles in La Gazette.